Your personality and your health!

What's the relation? How does it work?

Sat Apr 6, 2024


"Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s." — James Chapman

Is there a connection between personality, the human energy system, chakras, and wellness? In this uniquely informative work, medical intuitive Carol Ritberger, Ph.D., explores that premise in depth and presents a compelling case for just such a connection.

Ritberger explains that the human energy system is an electromagnetic energy force that is rich in biographical information. It serves as a holographic image that reflects our state of well-being – spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Its Light and colours tell the story of who we are, how we think, why we act the way we do, how our personalities affect our lives, and the state of our physical condition. Its subtle energy reveals the essence of our true selves, and its patterns create a mosaic of our souls.

Your Personality, Your Health is unique in its subject matter and how it connects the human energy system with predictable behavioural characteristics dictated by our personalities. It offers a variety of perspectives to enable us to better understand ourselves, why we become ill, and where in our physical bodies we are most susceptible to creating illness.

As you read this fascinating book, you will be encouraged in your efforts to change the thoughts, emotions, and habits that may be holding you back; to accept yourself for who you are; to embrace the innate creativity and wisdom you hold inside; and to learn to love the uniqueness you bring to this world. This work offers you the opportunity to discover the vast, untapped riches that lie within you and your divine essence!

Parag Nesarikar
An Indian-based financial advisor, writer, author, and online educator.