Time Management Mastery: Tips to Maximize Your Daily Productivity"

"Everyone has the same 24-hour day each day, but you can take proactive steps to make each hour worth more to your practice."

There are a set number of hours in each day, so it's critical to think about how to best use them in order to maximise the time available.

Gaining more control over your day, completing more tasks with less stress, and having more free time are all possible benefits of increasing productivity. 
How do I do it : 

1. Stay Organised
I would like you to emphasise the significance of maintaining organisation in the first place.
My mobile phone's calendar is a common yet very useful tool that assists me in doing this.
I can easily keep an eye on my daily tasks by using it to keep track of my various appointments, team meetings, trainings, and more.
I can better manage my time, stay on top of my to-do lists, and maintain focus throughout the workday with a well-organized calendar.
This is crucial because I value having my day filled with activities away from the house.
As a result, being able to see my daily calendar clearly offers me the clarity I need to make the necessary plans.
Most Importantly -"My method to [make the most of the time in my day] is to not stay at home," 
I will still leave even if my appointments are rescheduled or cancelled.
Even if it's only a quick look through my contacts, I'll find something to do with this time.
I frequently try to arrange last-minute meetings over coffee or another beverage with my contacts.
It's crucial for me to schedule as many social encounters as I can.

2. Maintain your momentum
Maintaining productivity requires finding motivation. The client discovery process may seem like an endless slog at times because of the repetitive nature of an advisor's work.
As a result, maintaining your interest in your job is essential to expanding your practise and providing outstanding customer care.
I always advise friends clients and my students -  listening to inspiring speeches, even if they are given by persons in unrelated fields. you could get valuable points and inspiration.
I keep track of speakers whose ideas agree with my own and refers back to recordings of their speeches whenever I need to get motivated again.
By hearing about their  ideologies, thoughts and methods for conquering challenges, I actively create vital insights that may be applied to relevant situations.
However, it is not always possible to stay motivated all the time. A motto I heard years ago has stuck with me till today which is, “It is not possible to stay motivated all the time;, when you're not motivated,... stay disciplined.”. Self-discipline is what drives me - 
to consistently plan three to four appointments per day. “Depending on the nature of these appointments, I spend different amount of time preparing and discussing with clients. One around late morning to lunch, one to two in the afternoon, and one at night. I find it easier for myself when I segregate my time this way.

3. Take initiative
Last but not least, I stress everyone the significance of taking initiative. "Activities breed productivity personally. I initially engaged in a variety of tasks when I was investigating how to increase my productivity, which I divided into direct sales activities and in-direct sales activities. Activities that fall under the category of direct sales include participating in exhibitions and cold calling. This I used to do before Pandemic. They are distinct from indirect sales activities, which keeps engaging in leisure activities while meeting new individuals. For instance, joining a cycling team can help you meet more friends, some of whom may later prove to be fresh leads as well. Exposure to these various hobbies let me decide which ones are most beneficial to me and my practice. 
From there, I could devote more time and effort to them while ignoring those that I felt were less productive for me."
Increasing productivity is a matter of self-discipline and finding what works best for you. Making minor adjustments each day can compound over time to help financial advisors optimize and make full use of the time you have each day.
Again- Everyone has the same 24-hour day each day, but you can take proactive steps to make each hour worth more to your practice. You may be in any business or profession.

{{Parag Nesarikar}}
A Indian-based financial advisor, writer, author & online educator

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